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Books Everyone Should Read in 2022 (For understanding how to see the world)

This year will hopefully be the most normal for a while after a crazy few years.
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Blogs and News

Ready about what’s being going on in the world on language and the industries we proudly serve.

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Doctor holding tablet for patient
Word360 winning award for Tech Collaboration at West Midlands Tech Awards
Word360 Picks-Up Award for Tech Collaboration at West Midlands Tech Awards
Birmingham based translation and interpreting company, Word 360 picked up the award for Tech Collabo...
Martin with the latest version of Wordskii
Martin on…doing software better
Today we’re joined by Martin, one of our senior developers at Word360. Off the back of Birmingham Te...
Word360 developer Dan is hard at work
Dan Discusses...Birmingham Tech Week
With all the excitement around Birmingham Tech Week, we’ve been speaking to our developers to get th...
NHS ICSs – What are they?
In January 2019, the NHS laid out its ‘long-term plan’. This document sets out a strategy for the de...
The Top 5 Trends for the Food Industry 2021
The past 12 months have been as turbulent for the food industry as they have for any other, and with...
How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted People with Sensory Loss?
The pandemic has been an easy experience for no one, but some groups have been more adversely affect...
The Future of Localisation and Translation in the Food Industry
Those in the food industry looking to expand their operations into overseas markets have many challe...
5 Business Opportunities Your Competitors are Taking After Brexit
While we are unquestionably facing major challenges as we stand on our own for the first time since ...