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Five Great Ways to Get Feedback from Non-English-Speaking Patients

Written by Elliot Glynn | Dec 2, 2021 3:24:21 PM

  • Easy to reach patients and set up.
  • Can be translated into any language or format.
  • Can reveal interesting information: 8/10 senior healthcare professionals believe appointments start on time but 48% of patients say they had to wait.

  • Can be in print or digital via tablets.
  • Provide a welcome distraction in busy waiting rooms.
  • Again, can be translated into multiple languages and formats.

TIP: When using paper surveys, don’t forget to add a returns box, as patients might feel uncomfortable being honest if they have to hand forms to a member of staff.

  • Adding feedback forms to websites allows patients to come to you.
  • Available in any language or format.

TIP: Always consider that many people who feel motivated to come to your website to give you feedback may not be happy, so online data could have a negative bias.

  • Your interactions can be conducted in any language.
  • You can use automated messaging to contact patients in their own language.
  • Allows you to engage with broader groups.

TIP 1: Make sure you’re accessible on social media as people from all backgrounds will use these platforms.

TIP 2: Always consider what you post on social media platforms, as they are public forums.

  • Provided it’s done with respect, there’s nothing wrong with contacting patients for feedback over the phone directly.
  • This will allow you to easily receive feedback from partially sighted service users, as one example.
  • Can be conducted via an interpreter if the patient doesn’t speak English at all.


To find out how we support the NHS through our language services, see HERE or read our CASE STUDY for a bit more detail.

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